Content Marketing

Blowing the dust off and taking a new approach to Vyze's content marketing strategy to refresh it, grow it, and boost engagement. 


Setting the Scene

Vyze is a financial technology company that works with enterprise retailers to help them optimize their retail credit card program. 

When it came to Vyze's content, here were a few of its main problems:

  • With only 2-3 new content pieces, there was no main hub for new content to be socialized and for site visitors to source it.
  • Less than 1% of total traffic included content views, meaning that the content they did have was not getting the exposure it needed.
  • White paper, case studies, and infographics had inconsistent branding, messaging, and had no set target audiences.

A Fresh Approach

The key strategies leveraged in refreshing Vyze's content and increasing exposure. 


Launch Blog - Building out a content cadence

While Vyze had a few content pieces here and there, there was not a regularly established cadence or content hub. To set this cadence, I launched Vyze's content platform, the Growth Engine blog. This also provided the opportunity for Vyze to position itself as a thought leader in the space by publishing monthly blog posts covering industry trends, news, and insights from leaders in the space, that would be valuable to its target audience.

Targeted Content based on Persona 

In the age or personalized experiences, generic content is not going to cover all bases. Instead, it leaves specific roles wanting to know more, or uninterested in the content at hand. To keep different buyer personas engaged, content was developed that was relevant and unique to each persona's interests and job responsibilities. Creating persona based content provided the sales team with a foundational content library that could open the door for different titles. 

Expanding the lifeCycle for Content 

With a variety of valuable content that contained actionable data, it was important to expand the life cycle of each piece of content. For each survey released or ebook published, a staggered content campaign was triggered. This included a series of social posts, sponsored content, publication advertising, blog posts, and on-site marketing. This greatly extended the life of each piece and kept it circulating across different channels for months vs. weeks. 

The Results

Over the course of three years, Vyze not only increased content output but also increased the amount of traffic that was driven by it's content, by implementing the strategies above. Content views and downloads went from being >1% of total traffic to making up 20% of total traffic in 2018, with this growing nearly 100% YOY. 

Growth of Content Traffic